Sunday, 18 September 2011

jurassic park

This scene is good at building tension
This scene is the scene in Jurassic Park T-Rex attack.
  It is raining. The cars have stop next to the T-Rex paddock.
The lighting is dark making it scary when you first see the scene. There is the sound of rain hitting the jeep.
The scene starts with two cups of water.
The camera zooms in on one cup as ripples showing the ground is shaking. At this point when you first see this you think ow no something coming, something big.
 Then there is a cut to the boy and girl sitting the back seats of the jeep. This shot is a mid shot.
 They are looking at the water. The boys eyes have light over them, this makes his eyes stand out. Still a mid shot. The camera zooms in you can hear him breathing, his breathing makes him sound scared. Then there is a cut to the cup. Showing it shake. Then there is a cut to the man. This is a close up. He looks a sleep then his eyes open slowly as if he as just felt the trimmer. He also moves his head slowly up. There is a cut to the jeep mirror.  There is a sound of thumping to be heard. Then there is a cut back to the man. He says “maybe it’s the power trying to come back on”. Then there is a cut to the girl she says “where is the goat.” She is to the left of the screen. This makes me think that something is going to happen in the right of the screen. As she says “where is the goat” the goats leg hits the roof.
She jumps back.  I am only using the scene up to here as I feel this is the best bit to show tension.

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