Indiana Jones 3 what Indiana and his dad gets away from the blimp.
From 1:31 up to 3:37
Starts as and over the shoulder shot of Henry Jones. Henry shoots the tale of the plane this is funny. Cut to a long shot of Henry shooting the tale. Cut to close up of Indiana. He jerks forwards to show that he is losing control of the plane. Cut to long shot showing the plane going down. Cut to Henry he has a worried look on his face. Cut to a two shot Indiana says, “dad are we hit?” Henry says back with a worried face “ I am sorry they hit us.” This is funny because we know that he did not them. Indiana looks back at his dad with a look of shock. He quickly looks around. Cut long shot of plane still going down. Cut to a long shot showing Indiana in the front of the plane and Henry in the back. Indiana says “we are going in.” cut to a close up of Henry he bops down. This is funny because he is getting ready to hit the ground. Cut to a pov looking down at the ground getting closer. Cut to Indiana pulling levers. Cut to the planes wheels. This shows that they are hitting the ground. Long shot showing the plane come down. In the foreground you can see some goats trying to get out of the way. This makes you think where are they. The goats brake down the wall. Cut to a low angle of the plane hitting something. Cut to a close up of Indiana and Henry. Henry says “ nice landing.” This is funny because it was not. Indiana then gets got of the plane. Cut to a plane coming at them. Cut long shot showing both Jones running. Also you see what the plane has hit, it has hit a house.
Just as get close to the screen you see dust coming up as to show that it is being shot. Then they come towards them. Cut to showing bust being blown up. Cut back to Indiana just as he jumps down. You think that was just in time. The camera tracks down to show Indiana agent a wall then Henry jumps up. You then think so that’s where he was. They both look flowered. Cut to show the plane is spinning around. You think its coming back from them. Cut to mid shot. Henry says “they trying to kill us.” He is holding Indiana’s arm to show that he is scared. Indiana says back to him “I know.” Henry says back “it’s a new exasperates to me.” Indiana pulls down his hat and shoves Henrys bag at him and says, “It happens to me all the time.” This is funny because you know that it does. Cut to a long shot of the plane. Pans down to show an old man fixing his car. Cut to the plane showing that it is still coming for them. Cut back to the old man the camera pans down just as he goes to put the hubcap back on. The car drives off. He looks up to see his car drive off. Cut to a two shot of Indiana and Henry looking back. You think why are they looking back. Cut to Indiana looking forwards then he looks at his mirror. Cut to a POV showing the plane coming closer. Cut to a close up of Indiana looking over his shoulder then back. This shows him checking were the plane is. Cut to a brides eye view showing the car driving along. Cut to long shot panning down showing the plane just about to shot them. Cut to back of car showing bust being thrown up and how close those shots were. Pans to a two shot Henry says “this is enterable.” Cut to show that it is getting closer and closer. Cut to a close shot to Indiana he says “this is going to be close.” This makes you think are they talking about the plane or something ales. Cut to the plane getting closer. Cut to a tracking shot of the car. It shows them going in to a tuneral. Then it shows the plane going into too. The planes wings come off. This is funny. Cut to showing the plane setting on fire. Cut to a two shot showing Henry and Indiana looking back in shock. Cut to a two shot from the front showing the plane getting closer. Henry says “faster boy faster.” Cut to the plane. Cut to a side shot of. They are looking at the plane going pasted. The person flying the plane looks at them as he goes past. This is funny. Indiana and Henry look at one another in shock. Cut to out side. The plane goes out then blows up. Cut to a close up of Henry and Indiana they look shocked. Cut to a POV showing them gust about to drive thought what’s left of the plane. Long shot showing what left of the plane from the out side. The car brakes thought. Cut to show the car has smoke coming from behind it. Cut to a close up of Henry he says “they don’t come closer then that.” Cut to a shot of a bottom of as a bomb is dropped. Cut to a long shot show the plane flying off and the car going the other way. Then the bomb goes off. This is funny because they do.
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