Saturday 24 September 2011

Indiana Jones 3 what Indiana and his dad gets away from the blimp.

Indiana Jones 3 what Indiana and his dad gets away from the blimp.
From 1:31 up to 3:37
Starts as and over the shoulder shot of Henry Jones. Henry shoots the tale of the plane this is funny. Cut to a long shot of Henry shooting the tale. Cut to close up of Indiana. He jerks forwards to show that he is losing control of the plane. Cut to long shot showing the plane going down. Cut to Henry he has a worried look on his face. Cut to a two shot Indiana says, “dad are we hit?” Henry says back with a worried face “ I am sorry they hit us.” This is funny because we know that he did not them. Indiana looks back at his dad with a look of shock. He quickly looks around. Cut long shot of plane still going down. Cut to a long shot showing Indiana in the front of the plane and Henry in the back. Indiana says “we are going in.” cut to a close up of Henry he bops down. This is funny because he is getting ready to hit the ground. Cut to a pov looking down at the ground getting closer. Cut to Indiana pulling levers. Cut to the planes wheels. This shows that they are hitting the ground.  Long shot showing the plane come down. In the foreground you can see some goats trying to get out of the way. This makes you think where are they. The goats brake down the wall. Cut to a low angle of the plane hitting something. Cut to a close up of Indiana and Henry. Henry says “ nice landing.” This is funny because it was not. Indiana then gets got of the plane. Cut to a plane coming at them. Cut long shot showing both Jones running. Also you see what the plane has hit, it has hit a house.  
Just as get close to the screen you see dust coming up as to show that it is being shot. Then they come towards them. Cut to showing bust being blown up. Cut back to Indiana just as he jumps down. You think that was just in time. The camera tracks down to show Indiana agent a wall then Henry jumps up. You then think so that’s where he was. They both look flowered. Cut to show the plane is spinning around. You think its coming back from them. Cut to mid shot. Henry says “they trying to kill us.” He is holding Indiana’s arm to show that he is scared. Indiana says back to him “I know.” Henry says back “it’s a new exasperates to me.” Indiana pulls down his hat and shoves Henrys bag at him and says, “It happens to me all the time.” This is funny because you know that it does. Cut to a long shot of the plane. Pans down to show an old man fixing his car. Cut to the plane showing that it is still coming for them. Cut back to the old man the camera pans down just as he goes to put the hubcap back on. The car drives off. He looks up to see his car drive off. Cut to a two shot of Indiana and Henry looking back. You think why are they looking back. Cut to Indiana looking forwards then he looks at his mirror. Cut to a POV showing the plane coming closer. Cut to a close up of Indiana looking over his shoulder then back. This shows him checking were the plane is. Cut to a brides eye view showing the car driving along. Cut to long shot panning down showing the plane just about to shot them. Cut to back of car showing bust being thrown up and how close those shots were. Pans to a two shot Henry says “this is enterable.” Cut to show that it is getting closer and closer. Cut to a close shot to Indiana he says “this is going to be close.” This makes you think are they talking about the plane or something ales. Cut to the plane getting closer. Cut to a tracking shot of the car. It shows them going in to a tuneral. Then it shows the plane going into too. The planes wings come off. This is funny. Cut to showing the plane setting on fire. Cut to a two shot showing Henry and Indiana looking back in shock. Cut to a two shot from the front showing the plane getting closer. Henry says “faster boy faster.” Cut to the plane. Cut to a side shot of. They are looking at the plane going pasted. The person flying the plane looks at them as he goes past. This is funny. Indiana and Henry look at one another in shock. Cut to out side. The plane goes out then blows up. Cut to a close up of Henry and Indiana they look shocked. Cut to a POV showing them gust about to drive thought what’s left of the plane. Long shot showing what left of the plane from the out side. The car brakes thought. Cut to show the car has smoke coming from behind it. Cut to a close up of Henry he says “they don’t come closer then that.” Cut to a shot of a bottom of as a bomb is dropped. Cut to a long shot show the plane flying off and the car going the other way. Then the bomb goes off. This is funny because they do.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Joker magic trick

Joker’s pencil magic trick.
The scene is of some mob bosses sitting around a table talking about their money, they have their grunts sitting behind them. The scene is set in a kitchen, this is to show that they are hiding and that this meeting is secret. This is a mid shot, there is laughing. You don’t know where the laughing is coming from and who is doing it. The two bosses look right quickly to show surprised. Cut to show two more bosses this is still a mid shot.  The boss on the right has a stern look on his face this is to show that he is angry.  Both their grunts get up quickly this is to show that they are ready to kill who it is. Cut to over the shoulder shot/ tracking shot. The person that it is over you can only in shadow; this makes you think who is it. then they walk towards the mob mosses and into the light and you can then see their green hair and you know right away that it is the Joker. The laughing is coming from him. Cut to a long mid shot of the Joker he says “And I thought my jokes were bad.” This is to remark on what the mob boss said on the TV. The Jokers face and his makeup shows that he is crazy. Cut to mid shot of mob boss he says back to the Joker “give me one reason why I shouldn’t have my boy pull your head off.” This is to show that he dose not like the Joker. Cut to Joker mid shot. The Joker says back to him “how about a magic trick.” This is funny because you would not say this to a real mob boss and it also shows that the Joker dose not think much about him. Cut back to the same boss still mid shot. He has a look of bewilderment. This is shown by his eyes looking at the Joker and his mouth open as if not knowing what to say to that. Cut to another mid shot. The joker slams a pencil down herd on the table. This makes you think what is he going to do with that. Then he says “I am going to make this pencil disappear.” As he says this it cuts over to the next shot. The same boss looks even more shocked then before. The man next to him gets up. Cut to the Joker waving his hands over the pencil. You still are thinking what is he going to do. He stands up as the man goes to grab him.  The camera pans up.  He grabs the mans hand and back of his head. He slams the mans head down on the table the pencil is gone. You can guest where it has gone. This makes you wince and all so laughter but you know you should not. The Joker says “ta-da!” as if it was magic. Then he says “it’s, it’s gone.” Waving his hands trying to make it look magical. Cut to other boss the Joker says “Oh, and by the way, the suit, it wasn’t cheap.” The boss moves his head as if to say that he did make the pencil disappear. Cut back to the Joker he goes on to say “you ought to know, you bought it.”  This is a line about something the bosses said before this scene the Joker is also showing he has no fear of the bosses. Cut to a mid shot/ pan up of the boss that does not like the Joker. He gets up very fast. This is to show that he is very angry with the Joker. Cut back to the other boss. He same to like the Joker because he says “I want to hear proposition.” Cut back to the boss that does not like the Joker he looks at the other boss then at the Joker, this shows that he is very unhappy with what the other boss is saying. Cut back to the joker he points to the other boss to show that he should listen to him.  Cut back to the boss he sits down slowly looking at the Joker the hole time, this shows that he does not trust the Joker. As he is sitting down the Joker says “let’s wind the clocks back a year.” Cut to the Joker he is looking up showing that he is imagining this. He goes on to add “these cops and lawyers wouldn’t dare cross any of you. I mean, what happened? Did your balls drop off? Hm? You see, a guy like me” This is to show that ones they were powerful but now they are not. When he says hm he looks at the bosses this is to reinforce what he is saying.  Cut to over the shoulder of the Joker to the boss that does not like him. He says “a freak.” As he says this he looks at the Joker to show that he is mocking him. You hear another boss say “damn right.” Cut back to the Joker. The Jokers eyes are shut and goes on to say as if what the boss said has not sunk in “a guy like me.” Then he stops and opens his eyes and points at the boss with squinted eyes to show that the words have just got to him. “look listen.” Then he looks at the other bosses and says “I know why you choose to have your little, ahem.” He clears his throat this is to show that he is thinking about what to say next. Then he goes on to say “group-therapy sessions in broad daylight.” Cut to another boss he seems to be smirking to show that he thinks what do you know. The Joker goes on to say “I know why you’re afraid to go out at night.” Cut back to Joker close-up of Jokers face. His eyes are looking up this is to show that what he is saying is serous. “the Batman.” Cut to boss who’s eyes and the way he is sitting show that he is taking an interest in what the joker is saying but at the mention of the Batman he looks scared. The Joker says “see, Batman has shown Gotham your true colours, unfortunately.” He is saying this as it is true and as a dig at them. It cuts back to the boss that does not like him. He was looking at the Joker but when he says this he looks away. This is to show that he knows it is true and he is ashamed of it. “dent, he’s just the beginning.” Cut back to the Joker close-up the Joker is really looking at them now. “and as for the television’s so-called plan.” He is waving his fingers at the point to show he is talking to the boss on the TV. Cuts to the boss on the TV he looks shocked to what the Joker is “saying. The Joker goes on to say “Batman has no jurisdiction.” This is to show that their plan of moving their money and then them going into hiding is stupid because the Batman will find them. Then cut back to the Joker he says “he’ll find and make him squeal.” He is squeezing his hands together to show this and to say that he is and if court will be the weak chain that will bring all of them down.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Jedi battle arena

 Star Wars the attack of the clones. Jedi arena battle scene.
Set in an arena, as it is meant to be out side the light is from above. The scene starts with a mid shot of someone legs as they walk the music playing at this point is done by trumpets. Then they stop and there is a cut to an over the shoulder shot over the person walking. Over their shoulder you can see Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Poggle and other members of the separatist. This makes you think what’s going to happen, who is that. He starts walking again. Then a cut to Amidala, Anakin and Obi-wan on the beast with six Droideka around them this is a long shot to show that they are on there own. At this point you think that they are going to die. As one of the Drodieka walks forwards the beast moves back. Cut to Jango and young Bobor a hand is just visible at the side of the screen, this is a mid shot. Suddenly a purple light saber comes on. Jango jumps back in surprise. This is to show that he was not excepting it and so was the viewer. Cut to over the shoulder of what you know now to be Mace Windu. Dooku spins around slowly to face Mace. His face shows that he is not shocked by Mace being there. He greets Mace with a smile as to show that they are old friends. Cuts to a side mid shot showing Mace holding his light saber across Jangos knack, it shows Dooku facing him with Poggle next to him and a scared looking Bobor. Cut to a close up of Mace he says “this parties over.” Cut to a long shot it shows lots of Jedi activating their light sabers. Cut to another long shot showing two more Jedi activating there light sabers. In the background you can see Geonosis inhabitants flying away.  This is to show that they are scared. Then another cut showing two more Jedi activating their light sabers.  Then another two and another two. Then a cut to Amidala, Anakin and Obi-wan a look of shock and bewilderment on their faces. In the background you can see lots of Jedi’s set off their light sabers. This is to show the large number of Jedi that have come to help Amidala, Anakin and Obi-wan. Cut back to over the shoulder of Mace. Dooku says “brave but foolish my old friend.” This is to show that they knew one and other before this and they were friends and him looking down makes it seem like he is upset about meeting Mace again like this. Over Maces right shoulder you can see lots of little lights this is the other Jedi’s with their light sabers. Dooku then says “ You are out numbered.” Then there is a cut to over Dooku’s shoulder and Mace has a smile on his face as he says  “ I don’t think so.” Cut back to over Mace’s shoulder Dooku replies “we will see.”  Cut back to over Dooku’s shoulder as you hear a thumping sound. He spins around quickly. Cut to long shot looking down the corridor that Mace walked down at the start and there is something walking towards him. Cut to the other end of the corridor and you see four Super battle droids ready to shoot. They open fire. Cut to a close-up of Mace as he reflex the shots. Behind him it now looks like a twister as all the Geonosis inhabitants  are all trying to fly out at the same time. A cut to Jango he shoots fire at Mace this is a close up shot. Just as the fire was about to hit mace he jumps. Cut to Mace jumping in backwards in the air. The fire catches his robes setting them a light. This is a tracking shot that becomes a birds eye view of him hitting the ground. This makes you think only a Jedi could jump from that height and live. Cut to a mid shot as he lands he quickly throws off his smoking jacket. Behind him you can see some battle droids coming toward him. At this point you just want to scream look out behind you as is done when you are watching a panto. Cut showing what was left of the crowd are just about to fly off. Cut to long shot showing the droids running forwards. And it also shows that what Dooku said about being out numbered may be true and also you can see Amidala, Anakin and Obi-wan still surrounded. The camera then trackes left to show the Jedi running at the droids like an old battle scene were one army runs into the other.  I like the build up to this battle its good because it sets up things like the Jedi coming out of hiding and Mace and Dooku saying that they knew one and other before.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

harry wand scene

Harry Potter.
This scene is the scene in Harry Potter, were Harry gets his wand.  I only want to use this scene up to when Harry has his wand in his hand.

The scene is set in Ollivanders.
Harry comes thought the door. There are boxes to the right. The only light is coming from the window. As Harry opens the door a bell rings. Cut to looking down at Harry, this shows all the boxes of wands around the room also it shows Harry on his own. You can now see lights hanging down.
Cut to looking at Harry thought two lots of shelves. You can see people moving around out side. This shows it’s all normal to them.
 Harry naively towards the desk.  This is help by him saying “hello” in a low patch. He then says it again. Cut to a shelve you hear a slinging sound then you see ollivander. He as a puzzled look on his face as his he is trying to work out who it is.
Cut has the steps stop Harry jumps.  Ollivanders face changes into a smile. This is to show that he knows who it is. Cut to an over the shoulder shot, over Harry’s shoulder. Showing ollivander getting down.
Cut ollivander gets down his is out of focus, you can see ollivanders fingers moving across the scene as his face coming into focus. He goes to grab one of the boxes. As he is doing this he remarks about knowing Harry’s parents. His fingers move around as to show he is looking for something. He polls out one of the boxes the box is dusky. Cut back to over Harrys shoulder.  Ollivander opens the box and removes a wand. Cut to over ollivanders shoulder as he hands the wand to Harry. He tells Harry to give it a wave. Cut to some shelves. All the shelves open and go all over the plavce. Cut to Harry mid shot Harry jumps back to show shock. Cut back to shelves they are still going all over the place. Harry quickly puts the wand down. Cut to over Harry’s shoulder. Ollivander looks shocked and says apparently not. He looks left. Cut to closer over the should of Harry Ollivander looks up and points to show that he has another idea. He walks of. Cut Ollivander is up a step getting another box. He opens it then walks down the camera tracks him.  He hands the other wand to Harry. Cut a point of view looking a Harry. Harry takes the wand. Cut to mid shot of Harry. Harry spines around and waves the wand. Cut to some flowers. The flower blow up. This bit is funny. Cut Harry jumps even more this time then before. Cut to Ollivander. He looks really shocked. He says “no no definitely not” he sounds winded.  Cut to Harry he puts the wand down carefully looking at it. this shows him a bit scared of the wand.  Ollivander then pulls out another wand looks at it with a face showing wonderment. Cut to Harry the theme music starts up.  Harry has  confused look on his face. Cut to ollivander you can’t see his face there is shelves at the side narrowing your line of sight making you have to look at him. He walks towards Harry.  Cut to over the should shot over Harry’s shoulder.  Ollivander hands him the wand. Cut low angle shot of Harry. Harry’s face seems to light up showing shock has he is holding the wand. A light shine  over Harry, a wind starts to blows this shows that the wand and Harry go togther.

Sunday 18 September 2011

jurassic park

This scene is good at building tension
This scene is the scene in Jurassic Park T-Rex attack.
  It is raining. The cars have stop next to the T-Rex paddock.
The lighting is dark making it scary when you first see the scene. There is the sound of rain hitting the jeep.
The scene starts with two cups of water.
The camera zooms in on one cup as ripples showing the ground is shaking. At this point when you first see this you think ow no something coming, something big.
 Then there is a cut to the boy and girl sitting the back seats of the jeep. This shot is a mid shot.
 They are looking at the water. The boys eyes have light over them, this makes his eyes stand out. Still a mid shot. The camera zooms in you can hear him breathing, his breathing makes him sound scared. Then there is a cut to the cup. Showing it shake. Then there is a cut to the man. This is a close up. He looks a sleep then his eyes open slowly as if he as just felt the trimmer. He also moves his head slowly up. There is a cut to the jeep mirror.  There is a sound of thumping to be heard. Then there is a cut back to the man. He says “maybe it’s the power trying to come back on”. Then there is a cut to the girl she says “where is the goat.” She is to the left of the screen. This makes me think that something is going to happen in the right of the screen. As she says “where is the goat” the goats leg hits the roof.
She jumps back.  I am only using the scene up to here as I feel this is the best bit to show tension.

Thursday 30 June 2011

i have been looking

i have been looking at
Man Ray's Violon d'Ingres
Jacques-Henri Lartigue's Dede Rouzat
Bruce Davidson's the Dwarf
Robert Hausser's Cimetiere I. Classe
Henri Cartier-Bresson's Le Pont de l'Europe.
can anyone think of any by these that i really should look at.